Just Tri!

Michelle E. Dickinson
4 min readJul 19, 2022

I did it!

This past Saturday, July 16th, I completed my 4th NJ State Triathlon! I am so incredibly thankful. My teammates and I are all over the age of 50 proving that age is just a number. And, we witnessed several racers in their 70s! I realized that I want to be them when I am that age. I never want to take my health for granted and always want to push the limits of my capabilities. Health is wealth. At the finish line, we met a man who was in his 70’s and had just completed his 30th triathlon. His message was “We can never stop moving because that is when we rust.”

While my performance this year was better than my 2021 race, I was not happy with my triathlon results. I am clear that the only thing missing in hitting my targets was effort and consistent training. So, today I began training for the 2023 NJ State Triathlon!

2022 NJ State Triatlon Finisher Medal

Navigating Depression

In 2018, I was going through a very hard time. Newly separated after 19 years and trying to figure my life out. I was struggling with depression for the very first time. My cousin, Glen, challenged me to join him and his girlfriend, Joanie, in training for the 2018 NJ State Triathlon. I had nothing to lose so I said yes. I began training. That process gave me a lifeline. Finally, I had one area of my life that was slowly starting to work.

Glen Botti, Joanie Bartley, & Michelle Dickinson

Resilience is Accessible!

When I think about my resilience, I am amazed at what I had within me. Dark moments would tell me that I was not capable of moving ahead and that I could not do it. Uncertainty riddled me with self-doubt and overwhelm. Yet, something had me take one small step forward at a time.

I think that is why I thrive on helping people discover their inner strengths. I know that we all hold the answers and strength within us. Like many of you, I have navigated life challenges beyond my divorce. I believe that these obstacles show up to show us just how strong and resilient we are. It was only when I was able to shift my mindset around those experiences from feeling like a victim to realizing that the challenges were there to teach me something and above all expand. Instead of resisting, I started listening.

The Urge to Quit

Stop Playing it Safe!

Playing it safe and staying comfortable is the easy path. Tolerating unhappiness has become far too common for many. Growth and expansion towards what we know is calling us will never be comfortable to pursue.

I have learned that we owe it to ourselves to wake up each day and play the game of life full out. To follow our bliss and never stop evolving. Life is happening right now! We can’t let ourselves sit on the sidelines and just observe it like it is a dress rehearsal for tomorrow is never promised to us. Carpe diem.

When was the Last Time You Played?

Finally, remember to play. As adults, it is so easy to get bogged down in adult responsibilities and forget to create fun and play in our lives. Playing is so important for our souls. One thing I am clear about is that I need to play more. I am committed to playing more this summer and beyond and I want to invite you to do the same.

Remember that you + me = a better world. Please share this article.

Feeling mentally or emotionally exhausted and on a slow road to burnout? I can help. Start to feel better and reclaim your well-being by working with me directly. Contact me to learn more about my 1:1 Resilience Coaching. https://sociatap.com/michelle_ev

Want to help your people leaders elevate their confidence in supporting the well-being of their people? Contact me to learn about my Resilience Workshops. https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-e-dickinson-mm-7882013



Michelle E. Dickinson

I partner with leaders to normalize the mental health narrative in the workplace and prevent employee burnout by teaching tangible resilience strategies.